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Navigating the Genderverse with TransVisible MT
Navigating the Genderverse with TransVisible MT

Sat, Jun 15


ZACC Conference Room

Navigating the Genderverse with TransVisible MT

This presentation is created with the intention to create a “brave space” for folks to gain education regarding the challenges that misinformation and cisnormative systems create for transgender, non-binary, and two-spirit Montanans. Click "Learn More" for information about this session and org.

Time & Location

Jun 15, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM MDT

ZACC Conference Room, 216 W Main St, Missoula, MT 59802, USA

About the Event

This presentation is created and facilitated by TransVisible Montana table members with the intention to create a “brave space” for folks to gain education regarding the challenges that misinformation and cisnormative systems create for transgender, non-binary, and two-spirit Montanans.

Participants will learn what support is helpful in overcoming challenges, will be engaged in activities and discussions that deepen their understanding and comfort with pronouns and their use in introductions.  Participants will explore gender as a fluid part of the human experience that expands beyond the binary, and identify effective and ineffective allyship qualities.

Participants will also have the opportunity to collect physical TransVisible Montana resources such as posters, cards, and handouts, that will be helpful in their continued practice of their newly acquired knowledge and allyship skills.

Outcomes Include:

  • A broadened awareness & practice of contemporary, inclusive language.
  • Applicable skills & ideas for work, home, school & public environments.
  • Permission for personal liberation from the gender binary!

Who is TransVisible Montana?

TransVisible Montana is a statewide collective of transgender, nonbinary & two spirit Montanans with support from local organizations and communities.

Our Work:

TransVisible Montana promotes awareness, offers education, provides leadership skills & engages the challenges affecting transgender, nonbinary & two spirit Montanans.  We prioritize & uplift transgender, nonbinary & two spirit people through social media, community training & consultation.


We know through conversations with Montanans that when cisgender individuals know transgender, nonbinary & two spirit people, they are able to actualize our lives, learn about the challenges we face & are more likely to create welcoming, accessible & supportive communities. The less likely cisgender community members are engaged or knowledgable about transgender, nonbinary & two spirit people the more likely they are to promote dangerous or discriminatory laws & policy.

Living in Montana, often in rural spaces, it can feel difficult to access affirming communities. TransVisible Montana seeks to broaden the network of knowledge within communities across Montana & encourage people to engage in their autonomy, share resources & honor our lived experiences.

Participating Organizations and Community Representation

United Way Missoula

Forward Montana

Montana Women Vote

You can access TransVisible Montana on Facebook, Instagram on our website or by emailing

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